I went to the Epiphany Church in the town of Lohusuu with the Andcross pilgrim center https://www.andcross.ee. Tatiana

I went to the Epiphany Church in the town of Lohusuu with the Andcross pilgrim center https://www.andcross.ee Our group was not very big, and I was comfortable. It’s clear that all my fellow travelers are believers and not tourists who make no difference between visiting a museum and a church. The bus was new and comfortable. We got there quickly, but we also had time to admire the views from the window.

Marina who accompanied us surely knew a lot about such places and Orthodoxy in general. She was interesting to talk to and told us a lot of useful information.

Lohusuu is a quiet and peaceful region. It was nice to be there. The church is quite old. It was built at the turn of the 20th century. That’s why this site had a special “prayed-in” feeling.

And after visiting the church, we went for a walk to the shore of Lake Peipsi. I’d never been there before, and it was a real discovery – such a big and beautiful place it is. It’s so difficult to describe the nature in those parts of the country. You need to see it with your own eyes.

In general, my impressions of the trip were only positive. And now I plan to do such pilgrim trips at least once a year. I realized how much it helps the soul. After Lohusuu, I felt much better, stopped being nervous, and felt peace and quiet.

Tatiana –

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