Happy New 2024 Year !

Dear brothers and sisters!

On this bright day, please accept our congratulations on the approaching holidays – New Year 2024 and Christmas!

Another year has come to an end, and every single one of us has something to thank Our Lord for: first of all, for the peace that fills our hearts, the hope for the best, and the confidence that He is always present in our lives. We thank Him for this life, the opportunity to wake up every day and enjoy the blessings of a new day, and the health and strength that He gives us.

Christmas is a special day for all Orthodox believers because it reminds believers of the great gift from God — the birth of Jesus Christ. He came into the world to bring us salvation and hope. His coming and birth represent God’s infinite love for all His children.

Numerous quotes from the Bible describe the importance of this event for all Christians. Sacred words serve as a reminder that the coming of the Savior into our world is not just a holiday, but also a time to understand God’s love for us through the gift of His Son. Through Christ, people receive salvation and hope to become worthy of an eternal life.

It’s thanks to Our Lord that were able to live through this year. 2023 was different for everyone, but we had something in common — every believer felt divine presence every day, felt His blessing and love. Many have found solace, fulfillment, and direction in their lives through communication with God and following His will. In His teachings, Jesus Christ emphasized God’s closeness to every person, His care for every soul, and His willingness to help those who turn to Him with faith and prayer. This year, we need to continue be grateful for everything and glorify our Heavenly Father for His patronage, which we feel in every sphere of our lives.

May Our Heavenly Father stay in your life in the New Year — in thoughts, prayers, good deeds, and actions. May His patronage and support give you strength and confidence that He will always help you in all needs.

“Be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

We wish you and your family blessings of Heaven! In times of doubt and hesitation, think of the power of biblical texts and let it elevate your spirit. Wise words may bring comfort, hope, and inspiration and fill your hearts with love, kindness, and peace.

Happy Christmas and a joyful New Year!

With brotherly love – A.Jakovlev

Pilgrim Ecclesiastic and Educational Center Andcross

December 29, 2023